What we do
Supplying and producing locally, we position ourselves as a reliable and trusted partner in the region. In order to meet different local needs, our operations and business lines work closely together to channel their creativity and expertise to create a constant stream of new ideas and applications. In everyday life, you can find chemistry almost everywhere, in exciting and successful products. Take a closer look on our products in the SEAANZ region.

Extremely “Good Fats”: How Evonik Lipids Create Carriers for Effective Vaccinations
When we hear “lipids”, most of us think of fats, then probably about our diets. But lipids are so much more than fatty foods to avoid. ... MORE

Don’t waste the waste
Apart from housing one of the world’s oldest rainforests, Malaysia is also abundant in palm oil trees, covering over 4.7 million hectares of land for cultivation which makes them one of the largest palm oil producers and exporters worldwide. However, the great harvest comes with wastes that results in global warming. ... MORE

Sustainable Architecture: Making Buildings and Roads More Climate Resilient
In the context of the world battling climate change, the longevity of ancient Roman and Greek architecture offers the tantalising vision of buildings that can survive centuries of earthquakes and storms. ... MORE

Fueled towards a promising future
Having reduced dependence on imported crude oil and the ongoing search for alternative energy sources are some of the most important global challenges today. Among the plethora of alternative energy options, one stands out from the rest. ... MORE

Effortless sustainability: making lifestyle change enjoyable
One of the joys of travel is discovering quirky coffee shops where locals congregate. Once you’ve started seeking them out, you quickly realise that many of these community anchors are located in heritage buildings with often unglamorous pasts. ... MORE

The Future of Travel and How to Make it Greener Today
As countries from Thailand to the US reopen borders to fully vaccinated travellers, the global tourism industry is anxious to cover the lost ground. For some, it means shooting for the stars. Literally. ... MORE

Protecting buildings from humidity and rain
The tropical–hot and humid climate in South East Asia might affect the facades or even the stability and safety of the buildings. With Evonik’s PROTECTOSIL®, it can help to make the buildings last much longer by providing protections from weather, oil and dirt ingress. Most importantly, it helps lower the maintenance costs. ... MORE

Naturally Clean Solutions with Evonik
Today, more than ever, we need to ensure that hygiene and cleanliness play a major role in our lives. From disinfecting our hands to ensuring sanitary food preparation, there are countless areas to fight contamination. Some may think that the only way to do this is to use abrasive, harmful chemicals. But this is not true. ... MORE

Put your feet at ease
In addition to physical fitness, athletics are always looking for the best gears for their races, which require the right material. ... MORE

Break-thru the brambles
Gorse transforms New Zealand into a sea of flowers yearly. The yellow dreamscape however, is a farmer’s worst nightmare. Evonik’s BREAK-THRU® helps to battle the weed. ... MORE

The Science of the Festive Magic
Come December, Asia’s mega malls fill with locals enjoying a bit of festive cheer amid frosted Christmas trees and giant polar bears. Keeping shoppers suitably cool in this Winter Wonderland are hundreds of thousands of air conditioning units. Yet running them 24/7 comes at a high environmental cost. ... MORE