corporate responsibility
At Evonik SEAANZ
Evonik accepts its responsibility - for the business, the employees and society. We define corporate responsibility as how we conduct our business and how we live up to our values. The overriding principles are reliability and credibility.
By integrating corporate responsibility into our business activities and creating innovative solutions, we make a contribution to sustainable development. Our corporate values - "Courage to Innovate", "Responsible Action" and "Sparing no Effort" - are firmly anchored in our employees’ day-to-day work and form the basis for our business practice, our role in society and collaboration with our colleagues. This is particularly important because as an innovation-driven company, Evonik’s success is dependent on the competence of its employees. With our three strong corporate values, Evonik demonstrates fairness and responsibility towards employees, customers, owners, investors, suppliers, politicians, local communities and the general public.
Evonik is also a member of "econsense", the forum for sustainable development of German business. Through our Chemicals Business Area, we are also a member of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and support the Responsible Care initiative of the International Council of Chemical Associations, which promotes sustainable use of resources.
Further information
Find out more information on Corporate Responsibility at Evonik on our global website.