Environment, Safety, Health, Quality (ESHQ)
Our Environment, Safety, Health, Quality (ESHQ) values set out our commitment to these areas, they also define protection of people and the environment as core elements of our activities.
Our ESHQ Values form the basis for policies and objectives which are used to manage ESHQ throughout the Evonik Group. Internal and external audits are conducted regularly to check and monitor the implementation of relevant regulations by the business groups, regions and sites. In addition, Evonik has also committed to the global Responsible Care initiative, which imposes a voluntary obligation on thousands of companies with millions of employees to go beyond statutory requirements. We constantly strive to improve our performance in health, safety, environment and product stewardship. At the start of 2006, we signed the chemical industry's Responsible Care Global Charter.
In the South East Asia, Australia & New Zealand region, Evonik is actively involved in the implementation of the Responsible Care framework.
In Vietnam, Evonik holds expert network meetings for Responsible Care representatives from various companies in the chemical industry. Whilst in Singapore, the Evonik Oil Additives plant received the Responsible Care Achievement Award and bizSAFE Star Achievement Award from the Singapore Chemical Industry Council and Workplace Safety and Health Council. For Evonik Methionine plant on Jurong Island, it has been awarded three of the highest quality standard systems in the industry: ISO 9001 for quality management, ISO 14001 for environmental management, and FAMI QS for specialty feed ingredients industry’s quality and safety system after 10 months of operation.
In Indonesia, Evonik’s plant in Bekasi has been recognized with the Zero Accident Award from Indonesia’s Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, the Evonik Silver Safety Award as well as the Responsible Care Silver Award from Komite Nasional Responsible Care® Indonesia, for achieving no lost-time accidents for seven consecutive years. In addition, Evonik also received the Halal certification from the Indonesian Council of Ulama and is certified as per ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007. Evonik's two production sites in Rayong, Thailand have been receiving the Green Star Award and Gold Star Award by the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) for the past six years as a recognition for the company's efforts in upholding high standards of environmental performance with zero accidents.